
Idaho Senator Tells Native American Candidate to ‘Go Back to Where You Came From,’ Sparks Outrage

Idaho Senator Tells Native American Candidate to ‘Go Back to Where You Came From,’ Sparks Outrage : In a startling incident that has drawn nationwide attention, Idaho State Senator Dan Foreman shouted a racist remark at Native American candidate Trish Carter-Goodheart during a political forum on October 3, 2024. Foreman’s outburst, where he told Carter-Goodheart to “go back to where you came from,” has ignited widespread condemnation, raising concerns over racism in politics, particularly against Indigenous communities. The forum, intended as a platform for bipartisan dialogue, instead became a flashpoint for racial tensions, leaving many questioning the state of civil discourse in American politics.

This article delves into the details of the incident, the public’s reaction, and the broader implications for both Idaho politics and the Indigenous community.

The Incident: What Happened?

The event took place in Kendrick, Idaho, during a candidate forum that aimed to provide voters with an opportunity to hear from local candidates running for office. Trish Carter-Goodheart, a member of the Nez Perce Tribe and a Democratic candidate for Idaho’s House District 6, was responding to a question about discrimination when the altercation occurred.

Carter-Goodheart was speaking about the systemic discrimination faced by Native Americans and minorities in the state, an issue that has been at the forefront of her campaign. As she elaborated on her experiences, Senator Dan Foreman, a Republican from Moscow, Idaho, interrupted her, shouting, “Go back to where you came from.” According to witnesses, Foreman then stormed off the stage, leaving the audience in shock.

The tension had already been building during the forum, as questions about discrimination were posed by audience members. Foreman’s outburst seemed to escalate the situation, and multiple sources confirmed that his anger appeared to be directed specifically at Carter-Goodheart’s remarks on racial inequality.

The Candidates’ Responses

Following the incident, Carter-Goodheart expressed her disappointment but remained resolute in her mission to represent marginalized communities. In a statement after the forum, she said, “As a Native American woman, I have faced these kinds of racist attacks before. While painful, these moments only strengthen my resolve to fight for equity, representation, and respect for all people in Idaho.”

She emphasized that her candidacy is about giving a voice to those who have been historically silenced, and she would not let Foreman’s comments deter her from her campaign.

Senator Foreman, however, defended his actions. In a Facebook post following the incident, he denied making any racist remarks, stating that his words were taken out of context. “I did not intend to make a racial comment, and my frustration was with the discussion about discrimination itself,” Foreman wrote. Despite his attempt to clarify his actions, many see his defense as insufficient, given the context of his remark and the broader implications of telling a Native American woman to “go back” to where she came from.

Public Outrage and Political Fallout

Foreman’s remark has sparked outrage not only in Idaho but across the nation. Political leaders, activists, and members of the public have condemned the senator’s behavior, calling it a blatant example of racism and xenophobia in modern American politics. Native American leaders, in particular, have pointed to this incident as a stark reminder of the discrimination Indigenous people continue to face.

Idaho Democratic Party Chair commented, “Dan Foreman’s comment is not only offensive but highlights the deep-rooted racism that still exists in our political systems. We stand with Trish Carter-Goodheart and all Indigenous communities who have been disrespected by such hateful remarks.”

National Native American organizations also weighed in. The National Congress of American Indians (NCAI) issued a statement condemning the incident and calling for greater accountability from public officials. “Such comments are deeply harmful and represent a continued disregard for the experiences and rights of Native Americans,” the statement read.

The Broader Issue of Racism in Politics

This incident brings into focus the ongoing issue of racism in American politics, particularly against Indigenous people. Native American candidates and politicians often face unique challenges when running for office, including prejudice, lack of representation, and systemic barriers to political participation.

According to the Native American Voting Rights Coalition, Native American voters and candidates often face voter suppression, gerrymandering, and discriminatory rhetoric. Incidents like Foreman’s outburst underscore the difficulties that Native candidates face as they attempt to participate in the political process and advocate for their communities.

The Implications for Idaho’s Political Climate

Idaho has a long history of political tensions surrounding race and identity, with issues such as land rights, education disparities, and law enforcement discrimination often at the center of these debates. The state, which has a significant Native American population, is home to five federally recognized tribes, including the Nez Perce, of which Carter-Goodheart is a member.

This incident is likely to deepen existing divides in Idaho’s political landscape, particularly as it relates to minority representation and equity. The 2024 election cycle is already proving contentious, with several candidates running on platforms that address issues of racial justice and civil rights. Carter-Goodheart’s campaign has focused heavily on these topics, and Foreman’s comment has only heightened the visibility of these issues in the race for Idaho’s House District 6 seat.

Foreman, who is not running against Carter-Goodheart directly, has faced criticism before for his outspoken and often controversial remarks. However, this latest incident may have lasting consequences for his political career and the broader Republican Party in Idaho, as they attempt to navigate the fallout from this public relations crisis​.

Moving Forward: What Happens Next?

The aftermath of this incident remains to be seen, but it has already sparked a larger conversation about the treatment of Indigenous people in American politics. Calls for Senator Foreman to issue a public apology or even resign have grown louder, though he has thus far refused to do either.

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Meanwhile, Carter-Goodheart’s campaign has gained significant momentum. Many political observers believe that this incident could rally support for her candidacy, particularly among voters who are frustrated with the state of political discourse and the treatment of minority candidates.

Carter-Goodheart remains focused on her campaign goals, emphasizing that she is running to bring about meaningful change. “I will continue to speak out for those who have been marginalized and silenced,” she said. “We cannot allow hate and ignorance to define our future.”


The incident involving Idaho State Senator Dan Foreman and Trish Carter-Goodheart is a stark reminder of the challenges that Native American candidates continue to face in the political arena. While Foreman’s remark has drawn widespread condemnation, it also serves as a rallying point for those advocating for greater equity, representation, and respect for Indigenous communities.

As the 2024 election approaches, this event is likely to remain a focal point in Idaho’s political discourse, highlighting the need for more inclusive and respectful dialogue in American politics. For Carter-Goodheart, this moment represents not just a personal challenge but an opportunity to continue her fight for justice and equality for all people in Idaho.

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I am Manjeet, a passionate and dedicated news reporter with a keen eye for uncovering the truth behind the headlines. I have honed my skills in investigative reporting, digital journalism, and media ethics. Over the years, I have gained extensive experience working with leading news agencies, where I developed a knack for storytelling and a commitment to factual accuracy. I am driven by the mission to inform, educate, and make a difference in society through my reporting.

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